Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Baby Daniel is here

Christina, Allison, Daniel, Jake and I are all back home now. Allison and Daniel are both napping so I finally have some time to post pictures.

First photos of Daniel just after birth
Daniels first days in the hospital.

Daniels birth was very exciting. For weeks we were expecting an early arrival, yet there we were on Sunday: 6 days past the due date, with no sign that Daniel was ready to enter the world. Christina had been scheduled to be induced on Thursday, but her cold and a very crowded Maternity ward at ValleyCare hospital led to a Tuesday reschedule. We were resigned to the idea that Christina would probably be induced on Tuesday and we were trying not to get too anxious. Sunday morning we played with Allison and straighted up the house.

Christina did notice a stretch of contractions that morning, but they were only marginally stronger and more frequent than those she had in the past few weeks. That should have been the first sign but we didn't see it. We invited my parents over for dinner that evening. Mom thought we were slightly crazy, having dinner guests when a Christina could start labor at any time. I thought it would be relaxing to cook dinner, plus I kind of thought that if we made plans, Daniel might want to crash the party.

At 2pm, Allison was playing by herself and I was unpacking groceries when I heard Christina from the bedroom, where she was napping. "Matt It's time!"

I went to help Christina and we did our best not to alarm Allison. I think she knew something was up but she was very good. I called Mom & Dad (George & Susi) to let them know that dinner was cancelled for a very good reason. Following past experience, I thought we had hours to go before delivery, so I told Mom and Dad to come to get Allison, but there was no rush. That was the second mistake.

15 minutes into labor the contractions were 5 minutes apart. We realized that it was time to move. I called Mom and Dad again to tell them to hurry up. But we really needed to move. Seeing an open garage door across the street, I ran over and asked our neighbor Jenny if she would watch Allison for a few minutes until Mom and Dad arrived. She did a great job distracting Allison while we scurried around grabbing last few bits for the hosptial.

Mom & Dad arrived just as we opened the garage door. We raced to do the 20 minute drive to ValleyCare hospital in Pleasanton. Traffic was crawling along at 80. I coached Christina's breathing during contractions. She concurred with me when I asked, "How far apart are the contractions? 3 minutes?" Later she told me they were 1 minute apart. Let's just say we were 1 traffic jam away from delivering Daniel in the Honda.

I was very relieved when we pulled up to the hospital...we made it. We raced in the E.R. where the admitting nurse asked, "And are you in labor right now?"

"Very!" was Christina's reply. I ran to legally park the car while Christina had a nice 'chat' with the Admitting Nurse. It seems strange to be answering questions an signing papers in the middle of what seems an Emergency situation. I suppose it helped pass the minutes until the maternity nurse arrived with the wheelchair.

Once in the delivery room around 3:15, Christina was having strong contractions. The nurse checked her and calmly informed us that baby was ready to come out. Just one problem, the Obstratrician on call was still 20 minutes away. I was entirely focused on coaching Christina and helping to keep baby in until the Doctor arrived. All of a sudden the room was filled with people and equipment (Including the machine that goes 'Ping!').

Someone notified us that Christina's parents had arrived and asked Christina if she wanted her mom (Mary) in the room. Christina said yes and was quite happy to have here there to keep her calm and cool. It was difficult for Christina to resist the urge to push baby out, but we did make it until the doctor arrived.

At 3:39, Daniel arrived. He was perfect. Christina was beautiful. I was thrilled.

Daniel William Muller
7lbs. 10.5oz 21 inches

Someone reminded me to take some pictures.....oops!, Camera was still in the car but Mary had hers. I snapped a bunch.

We all spent 2 more days in the hospital to give mom some time to recover. Our families came to visit. Allison came to meet Daniel on Monday. She was very interested in Baby Non-iel and was all ready to take care of him. She let everyone know that Daniel's Hat needed to be put on with an emphatic 'HA-T'.

Now we are all home and adjusting to life with baby.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations Muller's from the Burnett Clan!

Baby Daniel is beautiful and we cannot wait to meet him.

Much Love,
Karyn, Erik, Kaeley, Logan, & Emma

1:50 PM  

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