Monday, March 19, 2007

Trans-Desolation Ski Tour

Echo Lake to McKinley Creek ski trip

Graham, Drew and I completed a 25 mile ski tour across The Desolation Wilderness yesterday. On Thursday we departed at Echo Lake, off Highway 50. We emerged Sunday on the West Shore of Lake Tahoe. We had warm, sunny and calm weather throughout the journey. Thursday was a gentle ascent to the base of Dick's Pass, with nice views of Echo Lakes, Lake Aloha and Pyramid Peak. Friday morning was a tough boot-pack (skis in backpack) up to Dick's Pass. We had great views south of The Carson Pass area, including Kirkwood ski resort. Friday afternoon was a steep descent to Velma Lakes, where we camped. Saturday morning was a moderate climb to Phipps peak, with more stunning views (see the panorama). Saturday afternoon was several miles through rolling terain and heavy 'Sierra Cement' (wet snow) to a nice camp near Lost Corners Mountain. Sunday morning brought us down McKinley Creek to the West Tahoe shore.

Photos from our trip. Description of route on Bob's ski page.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

King Daniel and Queen Allison

March 2007

Sunday, March 11, 2007

New Pictures from January & February

February 2007

Hard to believe its been 2 1/2 months since I last posted pictures. But with a 2 year old and a 1 year old, it's easy to get distracted. A highlight was a day trip to the Sierras for some snow play. It was both Allison and Daniel's first time in the snow. As the pictures will show, it was lots of fun. Daniel is making word-like sounds. Su-zaat (translation: What's that) seems to be is favorite phrase of his these days. He's also quite a daredevil, and is getting more than his share of bumps and bruises. Allison is trying very hard to be a good big sister. While there's a lot of truth to the 'terrible-twos', she can be incredibly sweet and caring.