Sunday, April 24, 2005

Allison speaks!

Allison now has a vocabulary: 'Jake' (our dog's name). She's working on 'mom', 'dad', 'teeth', 'fish'. She understands many more words. The funniest one is 'bonk', to which she responds with a very gentle head-butt! (I'm serious!) She's a bundle of energy. Crawlng and climbing everywhere. Climbing and descending stairs. Attempting free standing. She's also learning how to get into contraband when mom and dad aren't looking. See more pictures at

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Mission scrubbed :(

The plan: Ski 23 miles from Tioga pass to Twin Lakes. This leg of our Multi-Year Sierra crest tour would have completed a chain of trips between the Tahoe and Yosemite. Sadly, my cold and difficulty with the altitude ended the trip midway. We did have spectacular weather and set a new record for altitude on skis: 12,400 ft. The views of the Sierra and Mono Lake were worth it! Enjoy the photos here:

Also, movies of Graham cutting telemark turns here and here.